Thanks, Friend Craig. This speaks to the growth that has been stirring in my own meeting (Worcester, MA, USA) in the past year or so. We have matured into the sort of mutual trust that allows what you describe.

Recently we had a First Sunday worship-sharing after potluck about vocal ministry. We used a summary of Bill Taber's 1992 "Four Doors to Meeting for Worship" (Pendle Hill Pamphlet #306 https://pendlehill.org/product/four-doors-meeting-worship/), together with the following queries:

• What activities during the week help (or could help) you to go deeper during meeting for worship?

• What are some physical, emotional, and mental ways that you center your attention during worship?

• When you first experience an urge to speak from the silence, what sensations do you feel?

• What are some thoughts or feelings that (rightly or wrongly) dissuade you from speaking?

• How does a deep meeting for worship affect how you feel and act in the following week?

• How do you feel about the worship-sharing time at the end of meeting for worship?

A very deep sharing.

Peace, Mike

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Thanks for sharing this Mike. These look like really helpful questions, and it's good to hear about the growth and trust in your meeting.

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